Master Wang Ming Bo, healer, Tai Chi and Tuina master, teaches method, Qigong and energy sensitivity in Tuina Chinese massage. This extraordinary video set contains methods that can be applied to any manual therapy. Master Wang also shares Wu style internal information from legendary Grandmaster Ma Yueh Liang of the Wu Chien Chuan’s lineage through Ma's indoor student, Grandmaster Wang Hao Da. Wang Ming Bo trained with Wang Hao Da for many years in Shanghai. Wang Ming Bo also studied Yang Style Taiji with Grandmaster Dong Bin and his disciple Master Ren Gang and presents Dong Bin's foundational exercises as he learned from his Grandmaster.
Those who have purchased videos will value these new additions to the catalog. These four videos offer you the basic components of a Chinese Tuina massage system or program. Master Wang’s unique approach to alignment and meridian massage provides how-to techniques whether in the office or at home. 4-Volume Set discount $150.
Massage therapists and other professionals interested in learning and adding this information to their practice can benefit from the instructional focus of part one and two, while part three adds qigong and Taiji training that helps build sensitivity to the energy of the meridian massage. Having greater awareness and skill in this area can help the practitioner heighten a maintenance component in their practice.
One of the most valuable components of these videos is the excellent translation/interpretation offered by Master Rose Oliver, MBE, a highly trained martial artist in Yang style and many other styles. We have known Rose ("beautiful flower" in Chinese) and Master Wang for several years and have studied tai chi with them in Shanghai. Ms. Oliver recently received the 'Member of the Order of the British Empire' award personally from the Queen of England for her distinguished cultural exchange work in Shanghai, China.
In addition to the systematic approach of alignment therapy and meridian massage, two more videos provide foundational exercise and tendon and bone stretching. This style of powerstretching is very important in all internal martial practices. Both practitioners and patients will benefit from these videos: practitioners for the exercises that help cultivate sensitivity to energy in their own bodies in order to listen (ting jing) to the energy of their patients, and; patients can also develop more sensitivity by practicing the exercises and stretching.
Check out the NEW Spiral Anatomy™ Training Course for great packages including
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Introduction to Tuina, Part One: Alignment Therapy
Tuina is a natural method of realigning the body. The Chinese believe that if the body is correctly aligned, one’s energy flow will also be correct. This educational video very explicitly demonstrates how to perform specific techniques for aligning the body as well as the mind intention of both the practitioner and the client. Master Wang Ming Bo demonstrates while Rosalind Oliver translates and elucidates on many aspects of Tuina. This is an excellent introduction to Tuina and Tuina techniques performed by an expert, with very clear explanations and visuals. Part One, Alignment Therapy also prepares the learner for Part Two: Meridian Massage, since alignment therapy is often performed first before conducting meridian massage. This video is an educational exploration into this ancient Chinese practice and should be viewed as a great start for the beginner and valuable treasure of insight for the professional.1.5 hr. $59.
Introduction to Tuina, Part Two: Meridian Massage
Meridian massage is a natural method of healing the body. This educational video is of an actual treatment performed by Master Wang Ming Bo and translated by Rosalind Oliver, who elucidates in detail many aspects of this method of healing. Topics and techniques covered include the gall bladder, bladder, heart, lung, and pericardium meridians. Issues, explanations and methods apply directly to such common complaints as digestion, blood pressure, sleep, stress. This excellent introduction to Tuina massage techniques that can enhance anyone's massage repertoire. 1hr. $39
Introduction to Tuina, Part Three: Foundational Exercises
An essential element of Chinese Tuina practice is the knowledge of energy, or life force, and how it moves in and out of the body and how it can be directed or redirected in order to restore and maintain optimal health. Self-massage, hand exercises are presented for lung, pericardium, heart, and triple burner meridian energy channels. A Morning Qigong set is presented for health, as well. Master Wang Ming Bo and Rosalind Oliver lead fellow learners in a variety of foundational taichi exercise movements designed to relax the mind-body connection and redeploy energy towards a more harmonious equilibrium with the energy of the space. As one develops one’s own energetic configuration one is more capable of assisting others redirect theirs. So it is important that a Tuina practitioner also practice taijiquan and qigong as part of their overall study. The movements are quite simple and easy to perform and should be done repeatedly and rhythmically for best results. 1.5 hr. $44
Shin Jin Ba Gu, Tendon Stretching and Follow Up Lecture with Wang Ming Bo and Rosalind Oliver
Power stretching is an integral part of martial arts practice, such as Shaolin Gongfu and Lan Shou Quan. Any practitioner of Chinese Internal Martial Arts who studies long enough and consistently will eventually arrive at a point of learning power stretching exercises. Tendon and bone stretching set is a very effective method of strengthening the connective tissues of the body as well as bones and joints. It is simple set of specific postures each of which incorporates an intensive stretching then relaxing then stretching regimen. You can perform Shin Jin Ba Gu as strenuously as necessary, but to seek and reach for your limits is essential in achieving this exercise's greatest benefits. An excellent lecture and discussion follows on the principle and usage of the 13 potential energies or forces in Taiji, Xing-yi and other internal martial arts (peng,lu, ji, an, shou, zhong, etc.). Wang and Ms. Oliver demonstrate the importance of training for maximum extension of the body, integrate that with yin-yang in push hands (Tui Shou), and demonstrate its application as a powerful technique for moving an opponent. 1.25 hr. $39
The Double Dragon Alliance 2009 Shanghai
Training Camp
These three
videos can be purchased as a set or individually to help clarify understanding of energy use in martial applications.
Five master practitioner/teachers of Chinese internal martial arts:
Master Liu Ji Fa, Master Shou Guan Shun, Master Ren Gang, Master
Liu Hong Cai, and Master Wang Ming Bo each present approaches to
cultivating and using energy that are truly unique and valuable
for learners seeking their own path of understanding. Ms. Rose Oliver,
a long-time Shanghai resident and practitioner of Chinese martial
arts, translates. She and camp co-coordinator, Wang Ming Bo, have
been dedicated to introducing masters who graciously share their
knowledge obtained from decades of study in one or more styles of
Taijiquan, Ba Gua, Lan Shou, Shaolin, and Xingyi. Learners from
around the world can increase their knowledge and ability with the
information presented. Produced by PT Richard in partnership with
Susan A. Matthews ( and
for producing these dvds, for the unselfish disclosure of martial
arts knowledge by the masters, and good translation by Rose...Master
Liu Hong Cai definitely deserves to have in his resume that he
has the Chen transmission.' TLH, Maylasia
3 Volume Set Double Dragon Camp $79.95 (see details below)
Vol 1 Part A- Wang
Ming Bo (Yang Style) Morning
Shanghai China internal martial arts master Wang Ming Bo, assisted
by Rose Oliver, leads a follow-along set of morning exercises.
Using mind intention with qi. He applies some of what Wang Zhi
Xiang (see below) explains about bamen wu bu in specific practice;
for example, using the eyes to coax the qi and the spirit into
desired action, and moving energy outside of the physical body
by using mind intention. Also about balancing yin and yang and
thwarting the advance of an opponent by taking advantage of his
energy and use it to repel him. He repels himself in effect because
it's his own energy you're utilizing. Master Wang suggest techniques,
such as opening the lower back and back of the knees, to release
trapped energy and help cultivate longevity.
Vol 1 Part B- Liu
Hong Cai (Chen Style). Introduction to Chen Style Silk Reeling:
Basic Exercises and Demonstrations
Master Liu describes two types of silk reeling, a wrapping type
of energy 'doing' the movement and 'using' it to affect another.
He stresses that you have to understand energy to apply silk reeling.
Silk reeling is a gathering and closing of energy, or power in
spiraling movement. Energy manifests itself differently in different
people. Whatever form it takes you must learn to maintain the
feeling and gain control of it as it happens to you when you're
doing the form. Circulate qi through body so that it passes through
the body to apply. He shows how doing single whip. The feeling,
or the energy, has to arrive at the exact point (da wei) not just
the body. He demonstrates this in the first move of the form.
(Double Dragon Alliance video Liu Hong Cai pushes with Wang Ming
Double Dragon Alliance video (Liu Hong Cai performs Chen )
Vol 1 Part C- Ren
Gang (Yang Style) Internal Principles of Taijiquan: Lecture and
How to use energy to move. Don't use muscular/structural power.
Stop thinking of yourself as muscle. To do so, think about yourself
as bone structure, then go on from there to be nothing at all.
Demonstrates how not to react to the touch of another person/opponent
and not to concentrate on the point of contact. 'The entire body
is aware.' Use the whole body to feel and to understand completely,
not just arms. He
talks about Gan Shou (feeling), Ting Jing (listening), Kong (emptiness),
Fa Jing (explosive force), Hua (absorb and dissipate), Song (relax),
Xing (heart). How much can we feel of the things around us? Listen
with your body, not just with your ears, or an arm where someone
is touching you. Be relaxed, don't tense up, listen with your
heart. Listen to the entire person, sensing that person as a whole
being. Don't use just technique to break their hold. That's not
complete understanding. Become an energy being, not a physical
entity, so that your opponent won't have anything to grab onto.
Double Dragon Vol 1 Wang
Ming Bo, Liu
Hong Cai and Ren
Vol 2 Master Liu Ji Fa at Double
Dragon Alliance 2009 Shanghai Camp. Three
Simple Wu Style Qigong Exercises
Liu Ji Fa (Wu Style) Three
Simples Exercises to Open Hips, Use Dantian, and Integrate into
Whole Body 44 min$29.95
Demo, and Training the center of body. Master Liu gives a description
of the dantien both as a point and as a field and emphasizes the
importance of training the dantian. Master Liu's demonstrations,
discussion and exercise leading complements the attention to energy
given by others in the training camp. In push hands, he shows
how he takes the energy of someone pushing on his chest through
dantian then returning it to them once they are committed. This
educational video is also very entertaining. Produced by Tim Richard.
3 Master Shou Guan Shun on
Shin Jin Ba Gu and Push Hands Internal Principles
Lessons on the 'Power Shield.'
1hr 15 min. $29.95.
Shin Jin Ba Gu is a Lan Shou style power stretching set. It helps
to build good physical structure while releasing trapped qi. A
very good complement to what Master Liu Hong Cai says about the
need to have correct physical structure as well as energy alignment.
Master Shou talks about filling the body with qi. The tips of
the fingers are flush, even pudgy, with qi. In push hands he pushes
blindfolded to demonstrate how to sense the other person's movement
with the body, not look with the eyes only. He also works with
participants in Da Lu, or walking push hands.
Master Wang Ming Bo - Tuina and Yang Style Taiji Quan
In his youth Master Wang Ming Bo practiced Chinese wrestling and boxing and was also a keen sports fan, but he began training in Taiji Quan in 1993, following an industrial accident, when both his ankles were broken and he was left bedridden; the prognosis being that he would probably not walk again.
However, ever determined, around a year after his accident, he began to walk on crutches up to his local park, to get some fresh air and get out of the house. There he met Wu Style Taiji Master Wang Hao Da, who was in his late 60’s, and watched him perform the Wu Style Taiji form.
Master Wang Ming Bo, keen to improve his health and get back to full fitness, became his student, first learning some basic foundation exercises and qigong, then later the Taiji form; once he had properly recovered his mobility, he went on to study push hands and sparring.
Over the years, he has also studied Chen Style and Yang Style Taiji with Master Tao Cheng Qiang.
Since the passing of his teacher, Master Wang Hao Da in 2002, Master Wang has focused exclusively on Yang Style Taiji with Grandmaster Dong Bin and his disciple Master Ren Gang, beginning his studies with them in 2003.
Master Wang is a generous and patient teacher, with lots of teaching experience of both western and Chinese students.
He is a regular instructor for Double Dragon Alliance’s martial arts training camps, held annually in Shanghai, as well as having taught in the UK for DDA’s annual Taiji training sabbaticals, where students have thoroughly enjoyed his enthusiastic, friendly and interactive approach; whereby he makes sure that every student has a clear idea of what each of the Taiji movements really means and letting them “feel” for themselves what they are doing within the form.
His warm and friendly nature, plus his extensive knowledge of Taiji, Tuina, Chinese Medicine and other related arts, in addition to his experience make him a talented and very generous teacher, ensuring that everyone can obtain the most from their practice and gain a deeper understanding of Taiji and other related Chinese arts and philosophies.
Rose Oliver, MBE
Rose began training in Taiji Quan in 1993 in Great Britain, learning Yang Style Taiji Quan from her first teacher and husband, Sifu Rey Nelson.
Together they ran “The Eastern Tai Chi and Internal Arts Research Association” in the UK, which was dedicated to promoting health, happiness and understanding of Chinese Internal Arts. (Including Taiji Quan, Qi Gong, Daoism, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tuina, I-Ching and other philosophies).
They also ran the “Masters from China for Britain Programme”, which organized seminars around Britain, inviting high level Internal Arts Masters from across the world to come and teach and share their knowledge with students in the UK.
Over the years, Rose has also studied Chen Style Taiji with Master George Xu in San Francisco and Master Jiang Zhong Bao in Shanghai; plus Wu Style with Master Wang Hao Da and Master Liu Ji Fa, both senior students of the late Grandmaster Ma Yue Liang from Shanghai and Yang Style with Master Dong Bin and Master Yang Zhen Duo.
Her primary focus is Yang Style Taiji, with its focus on large, expansive movements and the cultivation of energy in playing the form. With experience teaching students at their own school and for various health and adult education facilities in the UK from 1994 until their departure to Shanghai in 2000, Rose decided to found the Double Dragon Alliance Cultural Centre in Shanghai in 2005, in order to continue the work she and Rey had started in the UK; introducing Chinese natives and western expatriates to Taiji Quan and other martial arts and health systems, as well as Chinese culture.